TipsDigital Marketing

10 Attention Seeking Tips- You Should Know

In your affiliate marketing, when you are creating a sales copy for an affiliate product, web visitors first skim a sales letter. During such skimming, if they come across a few attention grabbing items, then they may stop skimming and start reading the sales letter.

Writing a short sales letter is not a solution as long sales letters have a better conversion. You can also present the features and benefits in an elaborate manner so that a visitor is convinced and get the “Buy” mood. pro

With a long sales letter, you can still grab the attention of skimmers. The following are some of the ways that you can fruitfully utilize:

1. First impression is a lasting impression

You have to create a professional looking ad copy. The reader must feel compelled to read your sales letter and he should be drawn like a magnet towards your sales letter. A heading which contains a misspelling can turn off a potential customer. If you are not taking care about details then the person may not be inclined to buy from you. What should your customer expect from your products, or even your support to the product later on?

2. Headlines and Sub-headlines

Use prominent headlines and sub-headlines to easily catch your visitors’ attention. Talk a lot on the features and benefits of your product. Have a sub-headline on each feature. Your readers may want to read further if they find your headlines and sub-headlines interesting.

3. Pictures and Graphics

Use pictures or graphics that show your product or service in a better light. Also use pictures or graphics to show bonuses. They will make your product noticeable to your website visitors. One Graphic and picture is equal to thousand words, so graphics and pictures also easily attract one’s eye and make her take notice and linger on the graphic object.

4. Fast loading of Graphics

It is very important to ensure that your graphics are small in size so that they can load fast and all the links work correctly. People do not like to wait. Nor, will they appreciate if some of the links do not work. Especially if the graphic is at the top of your sales letter, and your whole web site will only be shown after downloading that picture.

5. Short sentences

It is better to use short sentences or sentence fragments. It will be easier to read and understand short sentences than long ones. The visitor will get dissuaded by very lengthy sentences and may hesitate to proceed further as he will realise the degree of difficulty in reading your sales letter.

6. Text Font and color

Use color, bold, italics, underlining to highlight important words and phrases. However, use them sparingly. Too much of them may look like you are hysterical and will turn away potential buyers.

Use highlighting near the area where you want to have your visitors read more. You may want them to read the features or benefits of your product.

7. Highlight Product Benefits

Pick the three most powerful and appealing benefits of your product and repeat them in various parts of your sales letter. At the same time, be careful not to make it too repetitive and boring. This will help your visitors easily remember these benefits. Just be sure to rewrite them, so it won’t appear that you just copied and pasted them in your ad copy.

8. Bulleted Features List

Use bullets to list the qualities and advantages of your product. Visitors will want to read more if your list is bulleted.

9. Postscript

You should use a postscript (P.S. and P.P.S.) at the end. This is among the most read sections of a sales letter. You may remind the bonuses included, repeat the strong point of your product, or point out the urgency for the prospect to take action.

10. Buy Button Placement

when you are writing a long sales letter, you should have buy button links at different places of the letter. If your prospect had been convinced to buy early on, ensure that you provide them with the opportunity to do so. It is better to capitalize on the prospect’s Buy mood immediately without giving a chance for him to change his mind later on.

With all the attention grabbing phrases and other techniques discussed above, you have the opportunity to make a visitor take notice of your sales letter and make sure that he reads it long enough so that he can get convinced which will lead him to buy your product.

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